Monday, March 28, 2011

19 months

Closer to 2 years old than to 1, unbelievable!

This has been a relatively healthy month for Simon, although as I sit here typing I can hear him coughing on the monitor. Oh well. He has learned quite a few new words this month...some favorites are Hat, Hot (which sound pretty similar) and MINE which is definitely the most used word! He is still reallllly into lights, all of the lights in the house have to be on and he won't leave the house unless the front porch light is on. He is addicted to raisins, and it's pretty difficult to keep him from downing way too many at a go.

We had Nana and Papa Winstanley and Aunt Karyn visit us this month. Here are some pictures from Simon's 19th month!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Row Row Row Your Boat

Simon is a big fan of Row Row, I think they must do it at school. Here's a quick video of him getting a little rowing in at dinner tonight.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Simon has learned to (messily) feed himself with a spoon:

Video Catch-up

Here are a few videos from the past few weeks.

First, Simon models his sleepsack after naptime.

Next, Simon helps me clean the floor.

Finally, Simon jams to some James Brown.