Thursday, November 13, 2014


The boys met up with Nate's friend Elijah at the park recently, and Simon made fast friends with another little boy who was playing there at the time. This sequence of photos is really funny, you can see Nate thinking...thinking...about jumping. But did he do it? It shall remain a mystery.

Monday, November 10, 2014

around the house

Just a few cute photos from around the house!

Sweet brothers

Simon took a break from being a robot to sit with me and hold my hand when I was feeling a bit under the weather.

Nate was cold after their bath, so Simon wrapped him up to get him warm!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Fall festivities

We have done a ton of fall activities this year, so here's a quick round up of a few other things we've done recently.

Last weekend, we went to a Fall Festival at Swanson's nursery right nearby. We checked out their koi fish, played pumpkin putt putt and both boys built cars out of vegetables! They then got to race them down a ramp, and it was a nailbiter!

That same weekend, we went to a Halloween dance party at EMP, sponsored by KEXP, the local public radio station. The boys had a lot of fun, and Simon even met another Bumblebee to dance with. The event ended with a parade, including a real brass band!

Today, Matt took the boys on a ride on the monorail and a walk through Seattle Center.

We have a feeling this might be what a photo from their teenage years might look like

Saturday, November 1, 2014


We had a great Halloween this year. We all took the day off from school and from work, spent the morning hanging out at home and then got the boys in costume. We went to my office first, where the boys rounded up a bunch of candy and met my coworkers.

We then went to a party at ELDC--Nate's current and Simon's former daycare--where we saw some of Simon's old friends and got to do fun activities in each room.

And finally, what the boys were really waiting all day for, we went trick or treating! We went to downtown Ballard where all of the stores are open to the kids for trick or treating, and boys had a fantastic time. We even stopped for an impromptu dance party at a store that was playing music ou

Both boys chose their costumes this year, and so, I present, Bumblebee the Transformer and Christopher Robin (from Winnie the Pooh):


Friends and fun at ELDC.

Ballard Trick or Treating