Sunday, October 31, 2010


As you can see below, Simon was an astronaut for Halloween, and we got a ton of mileage out of the costume! And now that Simon is walking pretty much full time, it was pretty cute to see him toddle around like a drunk rocketman.

First, we had our PEPS meeting last weekend and all of the kids dressed up.

Then on Friday afternoon, his daycare had their Harvest Festival. Below are Simon's 2 teachers, Jonette and Kasey.

The kids got some Play-Doh, Simon didn't quite know what to make of it.

Walking around outside, Simon seemed to find a moon rock!

We went to the Children's Museum for the first time, and he loved it! Here he is checking Clifford's mailbox!

Happy Halloween everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Halloween!! He is so cute in that NASA outfit and to see him standing is so great!! I love that he is walking mostly and I cannot wait to get out there in two weeks to see all of you. I also love seeing him in the day care. It's all good. Love, Grandpa
