Sunday, May 8, 2011

Big news for Mother's Day!

While this probably won't be a big surprise to anyone who actually reads this blog...I'm pregnant! Baby #2 is due in November, I am 12 weeks today. Simon is going to be a big brother!

I will start adding some pregnancy details to this blog, but for today, i just wanted to share the news, post the picture of Simon in his big brother t-shirt and thank my boys for a beautiful Mother's Day!

I woke up to waffles (my favorite) on Sunday morning, with fresh strawberries on the side and a few flowers picked from the yard for decoration. We went to our PEPS meeting, and then after nap, they sent me off to a really nice local spa for an hour long facial! It was wonderful and luxurious. They also picked me up a bouquet of tulips and Simon made me a wonderful card at daycare. Finally, to cap it off, Matt made me a Mother's Day cake last night, yum!

A beautiful day, can't believe next year we will have 2 to celebrate with!

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