We have been very happy with Alyssa so far--as I mentioned, she offered to "open" the daycare two weeks early for Nate, so essentially she's just been caring for him along with her 18 month old daughter. She is wonderful with him and so far I've felt very comfortable with him there. She was even very sweet when he puked in her hair yesterday and she had to take an emergency shower and then call me to pick him up :)
It sounds like there will only be one additional infant in the infant room for a while even when the location officially opens, so the personal attention will remain although there will be a different infant "teacher". And there is a toddler room and preschool there too, so it'll be a little more hectic overall, but the babies have a really nice, large space and separate sleeping room all to themselves.
Nate had his four month check up, and he is a strong, healthy boy! He weighed 17 lb 6 oz and was 25 inches long, so he's definitely a big guy! We have the OK to start solids with him, but have to be careful about adding potassium to his diet. So bananas, pears, sweet potatoes, avocados and lots of other first foods are out. Unfortunately, tons of fruits and vegetables have relatively high potassium , so we will have to keep a close eye on his bloodwork as we get started with some that are slightly lower at least.
Otherwise, we are just figuring out the new routine, Simon is doing well and finally through his third big molar, thank god. He is a complete nightmare when he's teething, and we still have one to go. He had Spirit Week last week, and each day they wore something fun, like PJs or backwards clothing. He is excited for springtime and has started telling us when traffic lights turn green so we are sure to go EXACTLY when it's time!
Simon's really starting to be the big brother!And how alert Nate is! They're so beautiful!