Tuesday, August 14, 2012

9 Months Old!

Starting in a day or two, I will be posting a three part recap of our big trip east...there are just too many pictures to share in one post. But today is all about our big 9 month old boy! He's been a busy guy this month, and he's made a lot of progress in terms of physical development recently. He was evaluated for gross motor skill delays and was found to have a 25% delay, so he qualified for therapy with an occupational therapist. She will be coming here every other week for a while, until we all feel that he is caught up to where he should be. But he is already making a lot of progress--he can get himself down onto his belly from a sitting position, spin in a circle, move backwards (albeit unwillingly) and just today managed to galumph himself forward about an inch. He gets into "plank" position all the time and wants desperately to crawl, so with some help and encouragement, I think he'll be on his way in no time. Oh, and he is even rolling over these days!

He is still a terrible sleeper and he is still sleeping with us most nights. But other than that, he is still a laid back, happy guy. He loves to eat and has no patience for purees...he still has no teeth but loves to chow on anything we are eating. He loves to talk and babbles away all day. I think that's pretty much what he's been up to...so here he is!

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