Friday, June 22, 2012

7 months (oops!)

OK, this is a first I think, I missed the 7 month post. In my defense, work has been crazy and I shared/posted his 7 month pic already, so here's just a bit about what Nate is up to now.

Nate has made a lot of progress this month--he is pretty reliably sitting up on his own and loves to play with toys from that new perspective. He is starting to babble and so far he likes B sounds, so we get a lot of "bah bah, blah blah" kind of stuff. He still isn't rolling over, so we have an appointment with the pediatrician on Monday just to check in on his development.

We started some sleep training, since he had become a terrible sleeper. He would fall asleep during his last bottle and then wake up numerous times each night, needing soothing, a paci, whatever. We just ended up bringing him to bed with us most nights, and with all of this chaos, we have been exhausted. So we started a no cry sleep training routine, and in the last week we have been teaching him to put himself to sleep without his paci or a bottle, so that he doesn't look for those crutches when he wakes between sleep cycles at night. So far so good, we are down to maybe one nightwaking rather than the 6-10 per night! He still ends up in bed with us most nights though...he's a very good cuddler.

So that's what Nate has been up to. Here he is at 7 months old!

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